Answer #
We can provide reviews in any language supported by your chosen platform. We can also deliver these reviews from any requested region, with the only exception being remote islands.
What about Premium Reviews? #
Our “Premium Reviews” are in English only. For reviews in languages other than English, you must select “Standard Reviews” and include your written reviews. There are no extra costs for non-English reviews, the prices displayed on the website apply to all languages and regions.
When possible, reviews in foreign languages will be posted by local profiles. For instance, reviews in Arabic will be posted by Middle Eastern profiles, French reviews will be published by French profiles and so on.
This does not apply to region-limited platforms such as BBB. Certain platforms only allow users from specific countries; in such cases, we can only post reviews from regions permitted within the said platform.
Language-related requests #
Upon request, we can mix and match countries and languages according to your preferences. Please refer to the “Do you accept special requests?” page for more information about requests.
Premium Reviews are provided in English only. Every language is accepted for Standard Reviews, as long as the platform supports it.