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Did you know? 68% of customers are influenced by trustworthy reviews.
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We take care of your reviews feedback online reputation certifications social media Amazon ranking eBay problems brand trust online presence business so you don't have to.

We let you focus on your sales, not your problems.

Without Ormosis

Did you know?

One single negative review can greatly affect and reduce conversion rates.

Without Ormosis

Did you know?

Unsatisfied customers can lead to higher disputes, negative reviews and bad publicity.

Without Ormosis

Did you know?

An excessively high defect rate is the first reason behind eBay suspensions.

Without Ormosis

Did you know?

Having a negative online reputation equals to less sales and lower return on investment.


Without Ormosis

Did you know?

Amazon suspensions can be appealed and removed with the help of an expert.

Without Ormosis

Did you know?

Low credibility is the first reason why your visitors leave without purchasing your products.

Without Ormosis

Did you know?

Many known public figures (such as Donald Trump) have been suspended and then reinstated.

Without Ormosis

Did you know?

Certifications can be the reason why customers choose you over competitors.

Without Ormosis

Did you know?

Abusive competitors can act in many nefarious ways to disrupt your business.

Without Ormosis

Did you know?

Being verified on social networks can grant you a VIP treatment from people and platforms.

Without Ormosis

Did you know?

Insufficient or low quality media press can be an obstacle to your popularity.

What we do, we do it better.

Rome wasn't built in a day,
neither did it fall in one day.

Some staggering statistics.

Higher conversion rates.

Y Axis Value: Conversion Rates

The Y Axis value represents the Conversion Rate, which is the number of goal achievements (orders, subscriptions etc.) divided by the number of visitors. To simplify, that's your sales.

X Axis Value: Reviews Amount

The X Axis value represents the number of reviews on a specific listing. In this case, the statistic is based on Reevo and Google reviews. For example, the number 10 on the chart equals to 10 reviews.

The Bottom Line: More Reviews = Higher Conversion Rate

With more reviews, the conversion rate raises dramatically. The study shows how there is not a limit to the amount of reviews and their benefit for a business. As the reviews count raises, the conversion rate does too. [Source]

52% of consumers will not buy if the business has less than a 4 star rating.

[Source: Brightlocal]

89% of customers won’t take action before they read one or more reviews.
A one-star increase in rating can lead to a 5% to 9% increase in revenue.

[Source: Statuslabs]

More than 4 negative reviews about a company or product may decrease sales by 70%.

[Source: Martech Zone]

70% of people visited a store because of information found online.

[Source: Safari Digital]

Over 92% of worldwide online searches are made on Google.

[Source: Stat Counter]

Only 44% of US retailers have claimed a Google My Business listing.

[Source: LSA Insider]

GMB and reviews are the second and third most influential Google ranking factors.

[Source: Martech Zone]

More visits, calls and leads.

50+ Potential customers per month with Google

A study by BrightLocal shows that on average, local businesses get 59 actions per month from Google My Business visitors. Actions include website visits, direction requests and phone calls.

Lifetime passive income with a one-time investment

On average, non-optimized GMB listings receive 33 website visits, 12 direction requests and 14 phone calls per month. A Google My Business listing does not require any maintenance or monthly costs.

The Bottom Line: Optimized GMB listing = $$$

Companies with optimized Google My Business listings will notice a regular monthly flow of new visitors. With an average of 59 potential customers per month, Google My Business is one of the best investments for your business. [Source]

“If you're offered a seat on a rocket ship:
don't ask what seat, just get on."

Sheryl Sandberg (Meta's COO)

A quick overview of our services.

Preserve, restore or build a pristine reputation.

According to studies, as few as four negative reviews can decrease sales by 70%. One single negative review can be devastating for a business with few reviews. Read more about positive review benefits (and negative review benefits too).

Ormosis can assist you in obtaining positive reviews and removing or suppressing existing negative reviews. For more information, visit our reviews services page.

Keep bad customers and competitors under control.

Because of their strict requirements, eBay and Amazon can limit or even suspend your account when you receive multiple customer complaints. In short, we make sure to avoid that. In the worst cases, we can fix it for you.

Ormosis can help you deal with negative eBay feedback, Amazon appeals and more. For more information, visit our eBay services and Amazon services pages.

Make your social media pages pop out.

A verification badge is a way to stand out amongst competitors, increase brand awareness and make visitors trust you. Applying for verification on your own will rarely be successful unless you are famous. Read more about verification benefits.

Even when you don’t meet the platform requirements, there is a good chance you can still get your hands on a blue badge. We work on a case-by-case basis.

Get certifications, not lessons.

Certifications from reputable companies like Google and Microsoft can help you achieve your goal, whether your goal is increasing sales or being hired by your dream company. Read more about certifications benefits.

Save countless hours on lessons for skills you have already acquired and start showing off those shiny certifications on your curriculum and your website.

Want to know more?

Let us show you what we can do for you business.

Ormosis - Guerrilla Marketing & Online Reputation Management
Ormosis – Guerrilla Marketing & Online Reputation Management